Humic fertilizers are a type of organic soil amendment that can help improve soil health and plant growth. These fertilizers are derived from humic substances, which are naturally-occurring organic compounds found in soil, peat, coal, and other geological deposits.

Humic substances are the end product of the decomposition of plant and animal matter, and they play a critical role in soil health. 

They help to improve soil structure and aeration, increase water retention and nutrient availability, and support the growth of beneficial microorganisms.

When added to soil, humic fertilizers can help to improve plant growth and yields.
They can also help to reduce the need for synthetic chemical fertilizers, which can have negative environmental impacts.

One of the critical benefits of humic fertilizers is their ability to increase the availability of nutrients to plants. This is because humic substances have a high cation exchange capacity, which means they can hold onto and release nutrients as plants need.

For example, humic acids can help make phosphorus and other nutrients available to plants. They can also help to chelate (bind to) heavy metals, making them less toxic and more available for plant uptake.

Another benefit of humic fertilizers is their ability to improve soil structure.
Humic substances can help aggregate soil particles, forming stable, porous structures that allow for better water infiltration and aeration. This can help to improve root growth and overall plant health.

Grass Soil

In addition, humic fertilizers can support the growth of beneficial soil microorganisms. These microorganisms play a critical role in soil health, and they can help to break down organic matter, release nutrients, and suppress plant diseases.

Overall, the use of humic fertilizers can help to improve soil health and plant growth, while reducing the need for synthetic chemical fertilizers. This can have several benefits, including increased crop yields, improved water retention, and nutrient availability, and support for the growth of beneficial microorganisms.

However, it’s important to note that not all humic fertilizers are created equal. The quality and effectiveness of these products can vary depending on their source and manufacturing process.

For example, some humic fertilizers are derived from high-quality sources, such as leonardite, a type of lignite coal that is rich in humic substances.
Other humic fertilizers may be derived from lower quality sources, such as compost or manure, which may not contain as much humic substance.

In addition, the manufacturing process can also affect the quality and effectiveness of humic fertilizers. Some products may be highly processed, which can remove or degrade some of the beneficial humic substances.
Others may be minimally processed, which can help to preserve the full range of beneficial compounds.

Farmer Soil

To ensure the best results, it’s important to choose a high-quality humic fertilizer that is derived from a reputable source and manufactured using a process that preserves the full range of beneficial compounds.
It’s also important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for application rates and frequency.

In conclusion, humic fertilizers are a valuable tool for improving soil health and plant growth. By increasing nutrient availability and improving soil structure, these organic soil amendments can help to support healthy plant growth and reduce the need for synthetic chemical fertilizers.
However, it’s important to choose a high-quality product and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for use.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, there are several other reasons why humic fertilizers can be a valuable addition to any soil management plan.

The History Of Humic And Fulvic Acids

The term “humic acid” was first coined in the 1820s by a German scientist named Justus von Liebig, who isolated and studied these organic compounds from soil. However, the concept of humic substances has been known for much longer.

Humic substances are the end product of the decomposition of plant and animal matter, and they have been present in soils for thousands of years. Indigenous peoples have long used humic substances as natural fertilizers and soil amendments, and they have been used in agriculture for centuries.

The first commercial humic acid products were developed in the early 1900s, and their use has continued to grow over time. Today, humic acid and other humic substances are widely used in agriculture and horticulture as natural soil amendments.

Fulvic acid, another type of humic substance, was first isolated and studied in the early 1900s by a Russian scientist named I.N. Berezkina. Fulvic acid is a smaller, more highly-oxidized form of humic acid, and it has been shown to have unique properties and benefits when added to the soil.

Today, fulvic acid is commonly used in combination with humic acid in many commercial humic fertilizer products. Together, these two compounds can provide a range of benefits for soil health and plant growth.

Benefits of Humic Acid in Soils

Humic acid is a type of organic compound found in humic fertilizers that can provide a number of benefits when added to soil.
Some of the key benefits of humic acid in soils include:


  • Improved nutrient availability: Humic acid has a high cation exchange capacity, which means it can hold onto and release nutrients as plants need. This can help to make nutrients such as phosphorus and other minerals more available to plants, improving their growth and development.
  • Increased water retention: Humic acid can help to improve soil structure, forming stable, porous structures that allow for better water infiltration and retention. This can be especially beneficial in dry or drought-prone soils, where it can help to conserve moisture and support plant growth.
  • Enhanced microorganism activity: Humic acid can support the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the soil, such as bacteria and fungi. These microorganisms play a critical role in soil health, and they can help to break down organic matter, release nutrients, and suppress plant diseases.
  • Reduced heavy metal toxicity: Humic acid can help to chelate (bind to) heavy metals, making them less toxic and more available for plant uptake. This can be important for soils that are contaminated with heavy metals, as it can help to reduce their toxicity and improve plant growth.
  • Improved soil structure: As mentioned above, humic acid can help to improve soil structure by aggregating soil particles and forming stable, porous structures. This can help to improve root growth and overall plant health, as well as reduce erosion and protect against drought.


Overall, the addition of humic acid to soil can provide a number of benefits, including improved nutrient availability, increased water retention, enhanced microorganism activity, reduced heavy metal toxicity, and improved soil structure.
These benefits can help to support healthy plant growth and improve overall soil health.


Humic Soil


First, humic fertilizers are organic, which means they are derived from natural sources and do not contain synthetic chemicals.
This can be important for those who are looking to use more natural, sustainable methods of soil management.


Organic fertilizers can also be safer for the environment, as they are less likely to leach into groundwater or run off into streams and rivers. This can help to protect water quality and reduce the potential for water pollution.


Another benefit of humic fertilizers is their ability to improve soil structure. As mentioned earlier, humic substances can help aggregate soil particles, forming stable, porous structures that allow for better water infiltration and aeration.


This can be especially important in soils that are compacted or poorly drained, as it can help to improve the overall health and structure of the soil. Improved soil structure can also help to reduce erosion and protect against the impacts of drought and other environmental stresses.


In addition, humic fertilizers can help to improve the overall health of plants.
By increasing nutrient availability and supporting the growth of beneficial microorganisms, humic fertilizers can help to promote healthy root growth and overall plant development.


This can lead to stronger, more vigorous plants that are better able to withstand pests, diseases, and other stresses. It can also help to improve the overall quality and yield of crops, which can be important for farmers and gardeners alike.


Overall, the use of humic fertilizers can provide several benefits for soil health and plant growth. Whether you’re a farmer, gardener, or simply looking to improve the health of your soil, humic fertilizers can be a valuable tool in your soil management toolkit.